So, was it the incompetency of the Vermont Supreme Court that resulted in the adverse ruling to the Politella's claim or a perverse ideological impulse to protect the interests of governmental control over the State's citizenry? I am so glad that you are involved in this fight--it is a worthy cause, for sure!
So, was it the incompetency of the Vermont Supreme Court that resulted in the adverse ruling to the Politella's claim or a perverse ideological impulse to protect the interests of governmental control over the State's citizenry? I am so glad that you are involved in this fight--it is a worthy cause, for sure!
This is so awesome John!! You’re the perfect person for this. Go John go!!’
Is there a go fund me page?
This case is a perfect example of we the people loosing our God given rights as AMERICANS! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Here is the fundraiser link:
Please watch the video! And thanks so much Steve -- we must challenge our Vermont courts to abide by the Rule of Constitutional Law!!
What in the world??!!!!