The WHO is NOT concerning health. Rather, the WHO is working for amendments and a new treaty that is a BUSINESS DEAL for countries to participate in the new kill box model for depopulation (i.e., bioweapons) for a certain percentage of the income. We MUST defund and EXIT the WHO and the UN. We must look at our state and federal laws that have SLOWLY been added. We must REMOVE those legal but unlawful laws that are currently being utilized to allow this NWO takeover.

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I don't know any medical professional that trusts them but people are being pretty quiet these days...

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"The Syrian government has pursued a military strategy that targets the health of rebels …If WHO were more willing to work with Syrian rebel groups to achieve positive health outcomes, it would avoid playing into Assad’s military strategy."

Lol. The "rebels" euphemized here are the regional affiliates al Qaeda and ISIS - whom the US has supported in its effort to overthrow Assad. The US sanctions and dirty war in Syria - started by Obama - are by far the greatest threat to the health and well-being of Syrians.

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A better question may be, 'What trusts The WHO?' If you are not using your critical thinking skills and just buying their globalist agenda, I don't think you qualify as a 'Who'!! A 'What'

is a more appropriate answer! And........ that statement is not politically correct... Thank God!!!

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We do NOT want an outside agency telling us what to do, especially when it comes to our health. We would NOT have any recourse--no Constitution; no Bill of Rights, and so on...

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