Sep 26Liked by John Klar

Do you think the family would be open to a crowdfunding effort to sue the town?

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No. They have no case -- by switching the signs to the trailer they suffered no harm and thus have no cause of action to sue.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Liked by John Klar

Dangit. That's what you get for being creative. 😉

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Well, another way to look at it is they already won. Sometimes it is better to ask forgiveness than permission.... and you get to skip court.

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So true. I just want it to be challenged. Because if we don’t start challenging these things officially, they will keep on doing it. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on these egregious actions.

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Sep 26Liked by John Klar

We are a country and society of finger wavers and blind peepers. I always fashioned the US of A as one of John Waynes and Teddy Roosevelts, of people too busy pulling themselves up by their bootstraps to be tadle tailing on their neighbors. I am, of course, greatly mistaken. We are a Republic of school marms and hall monitors, of environmental regulators and public health authorities, we are the United States of Karen. We are suffocating in safety and regulation, and this alone explicates the declining quality of life and social cohesion of our country.

I come from a lineage of contrarians and will continue to shake my head at all of the decrees from on high.

This rationale, that things on wheels cannot be regulated by the building department, of course is why the aspirational dream for those of my generation is not a house with a yard, but a van with a toilet.

Let that sink in.

If we keep listening to the marms and monitors there won’t be anything left to keep safe or regulate.

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Hear hear!

Soft, cowering snowflakes begging the government to keep us safe. Thomas Sowell and others have chronicled the transition of America from the creed of Teddy and Marion Morrison (aka John Wayne aka "the Duke") to the coddled, techno-dependent, technocratic bureaucracy cancerously devouring humanity.

"The United States of Karen" lol Is that available for an article title? hahaha

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Thank you for bringing this whole situation to the light. I like P.B.'s enthusiasm (been there), but I like better the position that we do not need legal warfare. What we need are active and concerned citizens. Democracy is something you have to work for, it is not free, and it is not handed out like money from a fiat government.

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The 'Blues' in Vermont can't tolerate anything against their political bias. The divisiveness of the political situation and the outward hatred of anything that does not conform to the 'one-sidedness' has been put there by those at the top who need to keep people divided. Keep people divided and you keep political control. Kudos to those people who used their creativity to bypass this stupid situation............

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I hate to inform you, sir, but creativity will not be enough. We need action.

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:) I write and help people find legal counsel -- I am prayerful that those actions will educate and embolden people to advance their collective self interest and reclaim their liberties....

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18 hrs agoLiked by John Klar

You are correct on that one... we do need action! Thank you!

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It's sad to see that such distortion of law has reached the most local level ... and indeed it's a good question where this goes next when unchecked. I've shared similar thoughts about 'incitement,' with Britain as the example here: https://www.wildhorsewisdom.xyz/p/incitement-is-a-serious-and-imminent

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Americans only have a Republic "if they can keep it." What town would enact suck a stupid ordinance, let alone try to enforce it? "Well, they told me to and I always follow orders." Mindless slaves to authority, or live free or die? The choices always remain.

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What annoys me maybe most about these stories is the blatant one-sidedness. It would be one thing if the town came up with a nonsensical ordinance that banned non-circular yard signs, but it is much worse if that ordinance is only selectively applied against unwelcome opinions.

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Only one person complained, and so only one notice was issued. But the Bullis's neighbor (Democrats) has a long row of signs.... I have the pictures. :)

As their trailer shows, there are numerous candidates, each with individual signs. Some people might even vote cross-party in select races. How can any political sign limitation, during the election season so important to our self-governance, be justified, let alone to a numerical restriction subjected to a BUILDING CODE......

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I find it amusing at best that these signs on lawns for the election season are visually displeasing when everywhere I drive in the state I see beautiful fields turned into Solar Arrays, which I find far more visually disturbing.

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Most people who face reality see the progs as overreaching hypocrites and bullies. I don't particularly like a lot of yard signs, but it is only a short period of time that these are presented. Now, if the bullies started to BAN yard signs, I'd probably fill my yard with them!!!!!!! We can't cower in the face of arrogant bullies who have let power go to their heads. I usually don't pay attention to the signs, but I do really like the ingenuity of those farmers who come up with alternative ways! God bless them!!

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