I will print this one out because people at work seem to think I am on the paranoid side for monitoring who is in our parking lot. We have a Christian school and I have developed eyes in the back of my head to keep away from the children there unless they truly belong there. That means ID’ing everyone I do not know. I’d rather err on the side of caution these days.

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That's your duty!

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We should be real, though. These days in America (maybe the world…I would not know as I have not been out of the country in over a decade), too many people use the excuse, “It’s above my pay grade” and will do nothing…nothing to protect children, pretty much not a whole lot at all that is not absolutely necessary to get by. Honestly, I loathe that mentality. I suppose that is why I truly appreciate a few Substack writers, Solari Report, Lighthouse Economics and such, your Substack included. I am super tired of “it’s above my pay grade”, especially when it comes to children. Just saying. If I never hear that phrase again in my lifetime, it will be too soon. Thanks for writing about this. Most want to pretend it does not exist.

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

So, is pedophilia against the law, or did I miss that downgrade? "Mapper campers" makes the violation warm and fuzzy now? Will they be sponsoring a kids' camp with mappers as counselors next?

“No person should be denied their dignity and humanity because of feelings of attraction that they did not choose."

How about a statement that no minor should be exposed to a perp's "feelings of attraction" that they (the child) did not choose?

I thought we were supposed to protect the vulnerable in our society?

I guess I missed that downgrade notice too.

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It is axiomatic that action follows thought -- most adulterers do not spontaneously offend.

Praising people for perversions is the New Way.

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

"Child peepers"... I don't know whether to laugh or vomit. That's both funny and vile at the same time. In the end though, the repulsiveness of pedophiles and their ilk overrides all thoughts of fairness, constitutionality or Christian charity and love. And anyone who offers any type of apology or excuse for them, is just as guilty. Yes they have a right to free speech but I will fight their presence with every fiber of my being until my last breath. Lucky I didn't know about this until it was a done deal.

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

Vermont has gone off the deep end. What a pity🤦‍♀️

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

It would be interesting to see how many of our State Legislators have been or will be there celebrating their sickness or sitting at home asking themselves what have we done? Complete Idiots.

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My initial reaction to your title was, “You are kidding, right?” A mere nano-second later, I knew you weren’t. It’s a good day to don my ‘Not My New Normal’ shirt apparently. In an odd way, I am rather relieved that the freaks are no longer hiding.

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

When the majority of the legislators then the majority of voters were deceived into adding the amendment to Vermont’s Constitution giving the unlimited, undefined right to “Reproductive Liberty”, many who understand how the left works saw this as a potential consequence. These words in the document will likely be interpreted by our courts in favor of the pedos - “reassert the principles of equality and personal liberty...ensure that government does not create or perpetuate the legal, social,or economic inferiority of any class of people.” And with no age parameters included will they convince the courts that the children they abuse are ...”Elder Attracted People”?

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

Excellent and just what I thought about that heinous amendment. We are besieged by evil. We allowed this filth into our world.

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

Seeing pedophilia wriggle out of the rotting corpse of American decency as a freshly liberated identity asking to be accepted and affirmed by society at large is not all that surprising. The way has been cleared and shown as possible by other organized degenerates. Have we hit Peak Pride yet? Or will that happen when the incest advocates and zoophilia fans have their turn at asking permission to be out and proud? Stay tuned. These people aren't nearly done yet.

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I saw something innocuous on TV around 2009 and had this strange but powerful thought jump in my mind instantly. It was: they are going to normalize pedophilia. So sad I was correct.

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Exploitation of minors causes serious harm and should be strongly discouraged. The US us now the disgusting leader in the world for child sex trafficking, which is a greater source of income to Cartels now bringing children in across Commrad Kamala's open borders! Ask the Border Patrol agents along our southern border what they care seeing. And they aren't allowed now by the current administration to verify through bDNA sampling parents of those coming in. And over 350,000 children have been "lost" by Biden and Harris policies, because they load kids on buses of various UN funded charities that whisk them off, probably to auctions insome warehouse. These people are sick! I don't think they should be excused, ever! Wake up, bleeding hearts, pedophiles are psychopaths!

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Sep 25Liked by John Klar

Another thing... "at a campground whose owners and staff are fully MAP affirming and where MAPs can speak freely". So the residents of that town had bet

ter start taking a close look at the campground and the children in the nearby school. Someone should be doing checks on the Registry and calling the police if their Registry requirements are not met or followed. How much you want to bet there is a ring already in place in that area?!?!?!?

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I am having a hard time coming up with anything more vile than this. Thank you for bringing this to the light, as much as it makes me sick it needs to be known.

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For me, it is my line in the sand.

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You can make of this what you will...

From the Onion River Campground website:

"Somewhere under the rainbow, there's a place where everyone is welcome and the water always flows downstream except when it stops to swirl around in one place. Onion River Campground is located in Vermont on unceded Abenaki land, along the Winooski River which is named after the Abenaki word for "the land of wild onions.” With no shortage of natural beauty, our on-site owner-operated campground is a microcosm of creativity and community. We strive to have fun, cultivate a diverse environment, and tap into the wisdom of circling together. Between enjoying our walking trails, swimming in the river, and meeting your fellow campers, you may begin to fall in love with this place just as much as we have."

Tell me there isn't code built into this description? And the pic of the "owner" does NOT look like someone who would choose to live an outdoor life. I don't know about you all, but I'll be contacting the town manager right now.

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