Sep 11Liked by John Klar

Honestly I don’t know how else to interpret it other than Pharma’s control of much of public life. We live in a kleptocracy where firms who have enough influence, money and guile can buy whatever sector they want. The function of government regulations, whether they be local, state or federal is to favor the big dogs who write the regulations. With vaccines and many pharma products it really is turtles all the way down. The hypotheses of chemical engineers who go out to develop novel chemical formulations are driven not by curing disease, but by treating symptoms so that a lifetime of medication, and profit is necessary. This is all very self explanatory. Pharma wants cash, pharma creates products that give them a health annuity on every single American for the rest of their lives.

What is unbelievable to me is the acquiescence of doctors and the public. When my friend’s doctor was prescribing him Xanax for short term insomnia and he was going to take it I almost blew a fuse. Doctors, by and large, are incentivized to not think about the human system as an ecosystem of interconnected cells, organs and species that is highly complex and cannot be brought to better health through a pill. The modern MD only has pharma in his tool box, he is a pill pusher, and so he cannot bring about health, just the stable unease that describes most Americans’ health that you see when you walk into a Walmart. It is no mistake that Americans have a declining life expectancy: we listen to our public health authorities and our doctors.

If we had a department of Whole Foods and Exercise we wouldn’t need a Center for Disease Control.

The American Medical system is one of the most evil, wasteful and ineffective systems ever created. It is unaccountable to cost, it profits off of chronic sickness, prolonged dying and stealth iatrogenic harm, and it has ineffective tools at treating anything other than acute life threatening situations such as limb loss. We are lied to every day and told that if you believe that antibiotics are useful for treating acute infections that we also have to believe that they should be used en masse on livestock. We are lied to and told that if you think IV electrolytes are useful for acute dehydration that you must accept all of the shots prescribed by doctors, because, well, they both use needles. Anything under the banner of “Medicine” allows for the opportunity of fraud because the public takes off their critical thinking glasses and puts on their dogma glasses and will accept anything the man in the white coat says. I am thoroughly convinced that Americans would be better off taking responsibility for their health rather than letting the “experts” dictate what is or is not an appropriate medical response.

“Responsibility deferred is tyranny guaranteed.”

Parents must say nope. And they will be ostracized and belittled and excluded. But this is bigger than the vaccine schedule. This is saying no to giving 5 year olds amphetamine because they want to play outside with the frogs. This is saying no to giving the vast majority of teenage girls daily oral contraceptives that are definitionally endocrine disruptors. This is saying no to the 15% and rising number of teen girls who are prescribed SSRIs. This system doesn’t care about you, or your well being or that of your family, this system wants you sick and miserable until you can’t walk and then they want to prevent you from dying while you suffer in an Alzheimer’s care facility due to all of the toxic food and drugs fed to you your entire life. The system is designed to rob all of Americans’ health and wealth until we truly are but resource opportunities for a parasitic oligarchy.

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Most MD's uncritically affirm anything "medical" -- including vaccines and other drugs. Being paid to promote them is hardly a minus. I am reminded by your long list of justifiable grievances of GK Chesterton's observation that "The one thing that can be proved true about Christianity is original sin." Our decline is a moral one, exposing the human propensity for greed and evil. And now they run the show, establishing a new Marxist church to displace the Constitution and moral accountability. It ends badly if they prevail......

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Sep 11Liked by John Klar

You nailed it

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Sep 12Liked by John Klar

I think you implied that ending these exemptions will almost surely lead to more "public school" hesitancy and I hope that is true. I have reason to believe it will be true having been both a member and later a leader in various homeschooling communities while raising my children. I did vaccinate my children with the absolutely required shots (their father could not have countenanced otherwise and this was the late 80s, 90's and early 00s). However, I had many friends who didn't vaccinate at all. I also had access to a Dr couple (both highly respected and reputable drs) who had both natural and adopted children with special needs and they did not vaccinate.

I support parental rights. I believe parents are the ones who should ultimately make both educational and medical decisions for their own children. I homeschooled purely because I wanted to do so. I didn't want to give up that many hours with my children. Today, however, it would be a necessity to protect my children from a state run amok.

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It is very much a necessity to protect children from these schools!!

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Still making my way through the long symposium on the US state of farming that was hosted by Dr. Nass for CHD. Every commentator is excellent, including you. The commentator on the Amish was mind blowing. Decisions affirming the right homeschool our children, to have religious exemptions for vaccines and to refuse medical care are tethered to the buggys driven by the people who eschew technology and to those who fought on behalf of them (as they are pacifists.)

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We home schooled our two boys because of our failed public school “education system” and that was 20 years ago.

I can’t imagine what public schools are like now.

The world is completely upside down.

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