This and related mainstream media pieces are a part of a nudging operation to make us accept nonsensical 'carbon accounting' rules. However, it would be a good exercise to apply their logic to solar panels, windmills and EVs. None of the latter would be affordable if the environmental aspects of their manufacturing processes would be accounted for. Smartphones is another one.

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Or lawnmowers or TVs....

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The AI, bitcoin, and large datacenters need to be terminated due to they consume more electricity than entire countries.

If you want servers, put up your own solar panels and generate the electricity yourself. These scumbags need to stop claiming that cows are the problem when it is their AI, bitcoin, yachts, private jets, and server farms that are actually the problem.

And that is if there is even a problem to begin with.

Carbon accounting and the war on CO2 is only a control mechanism.

This is all about using hybrid warfare on the slave class on prison planet to extract every asset from us. The technocrats won't have the resources to get off the planet and get into space exploration fully as they want to unless they possess and control all the assets on the planet and can direct production and resource utilization in a totalitarian centralized manner.

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Oct 2Liked by John Klar

Great piece

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Oct 5Liked by John Klar

Saving to share! Thanks again!

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Oct 2Liked by John Klar

Thanks for another excellent article. The attack on cows is actually because cows are a superfood. Cows do amazing things for regenerative farming. Cows can take scrubland and turn it into a lush paradise which grows grasses and creates an entire ecosystem that sustains hundreds of species. This has been well proven in Africa and east Asia.

Beef is superior as a meat for human health compared to other meats.

Raw milk from cows is superior to goat or sheep milk.

You are spot on that it is the farming methods which are at issue, not the animal.

Where I live, there is an idiotic zoning provision that says for each cow, it requires 10 acres. That is complete and total hogwash. You should have a sustainable herd of mini-Jersey's for example with a bull and two cows. 10 acres could absolutely sustain them.

The attack on cows is an attack on our ability to have access to independent, economically viable, healthy food which is nutritionally dense.

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They are saying the rain event in North Carolina was caused by global warming. It must have been warming in 1916 as well, the rain event in that year was just as bad as the current one. If these people get their way food is going to get very scarce. They are a combination of “idiots” and/or power hungry and greedy. There are problems in our food production system, they can be fix with proper support and guidance. The greater problem is in the further processing/manufacturing and preparation of our food by people who profit from our health ailments. That is the first thing we must fix.

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