Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by John Klar

"The next step is to normalize species dysphoria and allow children to be surgically altered in any and all manifestations of physicality they demand. "

...for this is a necessary prerequisite to transhumanism, n'estc-ce pas?

Brilliant piece, thanks!

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Or simply to completely deconstruct human identity, in the name of limitless identity "expression."

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by John Klar

Indeed, definitely to deconstruct human identity. I'm finding it hard to do anything except get on with reading Michael Nehls' INDOCTRINATED MIND at the moment so I'm with you there, but it would be strange if that planned deconstruction was simply for the benefit of the victims of the Pritzkers and their pals. The poor souls will find that their limitless identity expression is a hollow concept when their identity is entirely digital anyway - then there is WBAN....

I simply cannot unsee the awful things they have shown us.

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It is also ironic that the identity crowd are the ultimate statists -- they seek infinite self-expression, and an infinitely powerful government to impose their identity on others, including compelled speech and silencing of dissent. No one can have an identity of different thought....

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Apr 24Liked by John Klar

As a school administrator, I guess I would have had to send the penguin home. I honestly would not know how to teach penguins. Our school taught children which we did very well. But penguins? I am not sure what to do. Do you feed the penguin a fish for a good paper? Quite the conundrum.

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Apr 24Liked by John Klar

Evil today wears. A white lab coat or hospital scrubs and mouths pleasantries while mutulating young children. This whole trangenderism thing is the worse thing I have ever seen. It’s way worse than lobotomy but it is an excellent way to illustrate how bad it is. Thank you for writing this piece.

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I compared it to lobotomies because 1) they too were offered as medical "relief" (those evil lab coats have been around for a long time); 2) anyone who disagreed was attacked as insensitive and callous toward the "needs" of the depressed and mentally ill; 3) it eventually collapsed as reality came to bear; and 4) it still remains a RARE procedure with some benefits for a small group of people.

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Apr 24Liked by John Klar

Just as people are good at some things and not good at others is what gives us our 'diversity'. It's the same as the medical industry. It's incredible at trauma medicine (i.e. severed appendages, broken spines, etc) but horrible at care and maintenance. That is by design. This new wave of 'lobotomies' in another form is just another example of keeping the human race in another state of 'fear' and confusion. Irreversiblity is the key however. it is very similar to the concept of the tattoo.

When at first it is fresh and exciting. After a short period, the novelty is not noticed. After the next longer period, it may be forgotten. And many ( who I have known) in the long run ( years) regret the permanence of something that had meaning in the past but no longer is relevant. We live in an era of 'now, now , now!' with no thought of future consequences. These 'surgeries' will run their course and damage many lives but each person has their free will and choice. It is theirs as they see fit. I certain hope it works for them.................

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That's my concern -- I am sometimes attacked as "anti-trans" but I do believe there are some people who genuinely experience transgenderism or even have biological differences -- I just don't think this is a solution, and neither did the medical community until recently. I wrote this article after reading my wife's nursing book. Unlike tattoos, these

transitions" require multiple surgeries, very often result in complications, and require a lifetime of drug dependence. They also cause sterility. So I think it is compassionate to warn these people, who are themselves the greatest victims. But also, it is being pedaled like a fad.... to children no old enough to make such decisions.

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My kid isn't 21 yet and can't go to bars with friends but in California, he is well past the age of consent for trans surgery. I reached out to officials stating that they need to abolish the juvenile system. If kids have the mens rea to reconstruct their bodies, then they have the mens rea to commit crimes. Can't have it both ways. Well, under the new leadership of the Dem party you can because it is just an authoritarian sh$% show. Bishop Barron spoke to the governor of Minnesota to discuss the state being a 'sanctuary state' for kids transitioning. He said the governor looked at him as if he had two heads. The governor is some pasty white old guy who had been in the armed reserved. None of this makes sense.

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Good insight that this is a result of decline rather than the cause of it.

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Well written and carefully presented. And needed.

There is a common phrase in the healthcare industry that states words to the effect that

'Those who go into psych healthcare, go in for a reason.'

Implying that they are either drawn to this specialty because of some type of fascination or... they have a psychological issue themselves (acknowledged or not) that they want to resolve or they lack the skills for the more concrete side (medical) of healthcare. (I don't like calling it healthcare any longer...but it is all we currently have).

All three can occur simultaneously.

The point is, occasionally I would have a bit of pause when trying to determine who were patients and who were staff. That may come across as funny, satirical or whathaveyou.... But it's the God's honest truth.

The other thing that absolutely boggles me is the utter lack of logical cogitation on the part of parents, providers and teachers/social workers and administration. If a child cannot consent to sex with an adult, or consent to acquiring a tattoo or sign a legal and binding contract because of their undeveloped brain, then how do you justify letting them consent to drugs and surgical procedures? That alone requires a full stop to the entire process. FULL STOP.

But when you present these logical conundrums to pro trans folks you run up against their cognitive dissonance and they either wander away angry or perplexed or both or they start attacking you with outrageous slanderous language. And ferocious hate sometimes. That just confirms for me the level of brainwashing and demonstrates their own mental illness.

I have always said that our mental health care was abysmal and lamented that there was little that we had to offer them. The Brattleboro Retreat was founded on Shaker principles which coincided with my own thoughts, which are:

Humans need two things.

To love and be loved

To be productive.

That is simplified for ease, but is no less true. When you look at our current system of care in mental health, those two things are absent. I could go on but this is not the place.

In summary, I will postulate, as have many others, that this issue is indicative of our imminent societal collapse. To what extent or rapidity or involvement, I cannot speculate accurately. But it is found in every other great society's collapse scenario. And so it is with ours.


Pam Baker

RN for 35 years

Healthcare for 43

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