I hope that (if Trump is neither assassinated nor cheated out of the 2024 election) he pardons Assange and Snowden, and I hope to one day see the monuments RFK Jr. has envisioned. This has been a dark few decades in US history and we need an immediate about-face. This would be a good start.
There needs to be a complete change of attitude among all government employees regarding the transparency they afford. We need transparency to become the new normal again. Classification should be like abortion -- safe, legal and exceedingly rare.
Although Assange was repatriated to his native Australia, if I were him I wouldn't let my guard down. Their leaders' actions during the plannedemic showed they are captured by the globalist cabal and subjected the people of Australia to the worst shutdown, quarantine, and vaccine mandates, similar to other countries that attempted the same.
You certainly bent over backwards to be even handed on this article John. Your articles continue to be right on the money with each subject, telling all sides of every story you tackle, and with that said...Bravo to you! You and I have both known for many decades that the US government no longer takes the high road on issues, doing the right thing regardless of the consequences, which to many of us who are believers in Jesus Christ is a departure from the Biblical principles the Constitution and which our country was founded upon. We are called out of touch idealists for taking such a position. You, I, and others like us, tend to see things in a black and white mode of good vs evil, which seems to show that the US government no longer resides in the mindset of "good" and for a majority of issues seems to be residing within the "evil" mindset we so abhor. How this happened is for another article of another day, but it continues to trouble me certainly. While we blame the Democrat Party mainly for the departure from these principles we cherish and hold dear, it is obvious the Republicans quite often depart from those principles almost as easily and often as the Democrats, which is why many of us drifted towards Libertarian thought since 1971. We both know that Libertarian thoughts are too rigid for many issues and totally inadequate in matters such as illegal immigration which was a hot topic in the Libertarian Party circles since before my US Senate run for the state of Colorado in 2002, and I fought the Libertarian Party itself, to make it clear that if a country does not protect it's borders, it will go the way that the Indian tribes did. However the basics of Libertarian thought is excellent. I left the party immediately afterwards and became a Republican because I saw the BIG issue was that Libertarians came FROM the Republican Party, and with that leaving of the Republican party ,the Republican Party lost it's way to follow ideals that should never been followed by the Republicans, and most of us returned to the Republican Party the last 20 years who wished to see Libertarian ideals matter again within the larger Republican Party to win elections for correct Constitutional thinking. That was the right move for me. Others may disagree with my opinion. As often was the case the last 25 years my opinions have been considered too bold, too honest, too straight forward, for the politics of any party. That makes me a party of one, which I am comfortable with, and still allows me to be inside the Republican Party to voice my opinions, which I see have mostly become Republican mainstream these days among the so called "Populist" wing that Trump seems to have latched onto. I would like to point out that most of my opinions over that 25 years have been proven correct, including "open borders", which now seems to be adopted by the Democrats along with a host of other disastrous policies and ideals. "Too bad, so sad". I do not think there is much in politics today that I consider to be remotely pertinent to myself and Americans. People like you and I John, we have to be rock solid for others. We do not bend, we do not break, we don't give an inch on any issue. That is why I respect you so much. We are brothers, we are bold, we stand straight and tall.
Only the public can determine what is in the interest of the common good. Oversight by is needed over all corners of government to assure that the 'common good' does not morph into corporate or private interests labeled as the 'common good,' which we are observing in many government agencies.
In essence you posit: Should governments conceal their machinations from the public in the interest of the common good, or be held liable for their every action.
That's a tough question. Nothing is that simple or that black and white. If you transfer the question from government size to family size... sometimes parental figures (moms, dads and guardians) keep details from the rest of the family... generally for solid reasons. The problem with that scenario is that makes us toddlers who either aren't smart enough or capable of managing truth or reality. So the next level is small business. I have held many leadership roles and whenever possible educated staff on difficulties, strategic planning and long term goals. I always included them in problem solving and goal setting. The problem with that scenario is that .... people can be manipulative, stupid, and destructive. Not all, but enough that make you skittish to trust again. So the short of it is: ideally government should be small and transparent. The reality is it almost never can be.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." I think that sums it up best.
From John Adams to the Massachusetts Miltia, 11 October 1798
I am daft enough to realize that he had more than enough information he disclosed to cause him to be on the run, sitting in embassies for years and landing in prison for years. Gives new meaning to daft. You are "disinformation" and everyone here recognizes that to be TRUTH101. Who said anything about him being killed??? Answer: The deep state disinformation sellout...TRUTH101. How much are you paid to do this across the internet by the government anyway? You have sellout on your forehead. May we never have heard of you disinformation sellout TRUTH101.
Why would someone pay me to to speak the the obvious - your beloved NWO cocksuckkng Assange was sponsored by Soros , has a questionable past , and releases information that is a paltering operation at its finest
During any time that he “hid “ under the so called “imprisonment “ he could have been extradited and killed - he was not ! He will be paraded as hero - even pedowoood loves him ! Movies are made about him !
Here’s another one of your globalist scum that you no doubt believe in like the absolute CIA paltering operation aka :Assange
Trump is a weak puppet and proved to be so: -Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations
-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !
-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.
- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor
-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.
- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients
-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.
-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as:
• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.
• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.
-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.
-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.
No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.
- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022
-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.
-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law
-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.
-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.
-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.
-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution
-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne
Why did he not pardon Assange? 💩💩🐑💩🐑💩🐑
-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting
And you pivoted to Trump when we were discussing Assange and the government attacks upon a journalist for exposing the truth about the government criminals breaking the law. I will side with the likes of Assange every time instead of the government. Your talking points as a disinformation plant on the internet run out??? Talk about a tool!!! You are exposed. You are government. Chow fool!!!
A moron disinformation criminal attacking me for lack of critical thinking skills is like Biden in the debates, critical thinking skills with Biden are gone, as if he ever had any as a tool of the globalist crowd, and you obviously one who sells out your country for a nickel. Pathetic.
"You call out bullshit for what it is"? Seriously fool, you are buried in bullshit, right up to your disappearing last few hairs on your bald head.
"Makes me think". Seriously fool, you can't think because you are RETARDED in every way, simply because you don't recognize what you have done, selling out the "real America", the America of freedom and liberty, that will one day prevail over slime like your masters in the government who are paying your slimy sell out ass to be that disinformation agent you have shown you are, here today.
"Maybe you are the disinformation agent or just plain stupid". Seriously fool, not only have you convinced everyone here you are a disinformation agent, and you bring stupid to new lows, and I do not even have to name drop people like Klaus, Kamala, and Moochelle Michael, who are in the same category as you. Too stupid to know you are that stupid.
"Buying into the mainstream trash they say about Assange". Seriously fool, you just keep making stupid look intellectually smart. The mainstream bashed Assange for 13 years as their government masters told them to do. You are so stupid you didn't even know that. What a tool. Seems I keep throwing trash out with you.
"Soros campaign to free Assange". Seriously fool, you don't even do this disinformation thing very well. That comment is so stupid, I realize now that someone else is typing your words here because this couldn't be you. You "just ain't that smart".
"Let me guess u are also a Qtard and Maga moron". Wow, you came up out of the slime for a breath and that bile came out of your slime filled mouth, so your typewriter butt buddy that you are allowing to type this Ftard and government BS, could memorize it with it's tiny little Mule stupidity excuse for a brain to type it for you.. Go back and crawl into the slime you come and get another lick from your Fbuddy who is your master and his typewriter keys from the hell you surely come from, and were born from, and deserve to go back to. Bye bye butt Fbuddy... Ha, such a fool. That was fun. I tire of you Ftard, bring on the next disinformation slime ball.
lol. Rick, as you see I'm pretty open about allowing people free speech here. Some people you can't talk too -- this one just goes round and round, hating irrationally. :)
I hope that (if Trump is neither assassinated nor cheated out of the 2024 election) he pardons Assange and Snowden, and I hope to one day see the monuments RFK Jr. has envisioned. This has been a dark few decades in US history and we need an immediate about-face. This would be a good start.
There needs to be a complete change of attitude among all government employees regarding the transparency they afford. We need transparency to become the new normal again. Classification should be like abortion -- safe, legal and exceedingly rare.
Trump and Assange are tools of DS
Congrats on being clueless
Protecting the whistleblower, just words with no meaning in this country!
Although Assange was repatriated to his native Australia, if I were him I wouldn't let my guard down. Their leaders' actions during the plannedemic showed they are captured by the globalist cabal and subjected the people of Australia to the worst shutdown, quarantine, and vaccine mandates, similar to other countries that attempted the same.
He is no whistle blower ! Lol relax
The outcome has implications for journalists and whistleblowers, whatever Assange might be....
There are no journalists or whistleblowers
System is controlled that only those with useful information are paraded
Real whistleblowers are dead and real journalists publish on subtrack and get nowhere in media
Thanks for highlighting this! Governments “Should held liable for their every action.”
You certainly bent over backwards to be even handed on this article John. Your articles continue to be right on the money with each subject, telling all sides of every story you tackle, and with that said...Bravo to you! You and I have both known for many decades that the US government no longer takes the high road on issues, doing the right thing regardless of the consequences, which to many of us who are believers in Jesus Christ is a departure from the Biblical principles the Constitution and which our country was founded upon. We are called out of touch idealists for taking such a position. You, I, and others like us, tend to see things in a black and white mode of good vs evil, which seems to show that the US government no longer resides in the mindset of "good" and for a majority of issues seems to be residing within the "evil" mindset we so abhor. How this happened is for another article of another day, but it continues to trouble me certainly. While we blame the Democrat Party mainly for the departure from these principles we cherish and hold dear, it is obvious the Republicans quite often depart from those principles almost as easily and often as the Democrats, which is why many of us drifted towards Libertarian thought since 1971. We both know that Libertarian thoughts are too rigid for many issues and totally inadequate in matters such as illegal immigration which was a hot topic in the Libertarian Party circles since before my US Senate run for the state of Colorado in 2002, and I fought the Libertarian Party itself, to make it clear that if a country does not protect it's borders, it will go the way that the Indian tribes did. However the basics of Libertarian thought is excellent. I left the party immediately afterwards and became a Republican because I saw the BIG issue was that Libertarians came FROM the Republican Party, and with that leaving of the Republican party ,the Republican Party lost it's way to follow ideals that should never been followed by the Republicans, and most of us returned to the Republican Party the last 20 years who wished to see Libertarian ideals matter again within the larger Republican Party to win elections for correct Constitutional thinking. That was the right move for me. Others may disagree with my opinion. As often was the case the last 25 years my opinions have been considered too bold, too honest, too straight forward, for the politics of any party. That makes me a party of one, which I am comfortable with, and still allows me to be inside the Republican Party to voice my opinions, which I see have mostly become Republican mainstream these days among the so called "Populist" wing that Trump seems to have latched onto. I would like to point out that most of my opinions over that 25 years have been proven correct, including "open borders", which now seems to be adopted by the Democrats along with a host of other disastrous policies and ideals. "Too bad, so sad". I do not think there is much in politics today that I consider to be remotely pertinent to myself and Americans. People like you and I John, we have to be rock solid for others. We do not bend, we do not break, we don't give an inch on any issue. That is why I respect you so much. We are brothers, we are bold, we stand straight and tall.
Only the public can determine what is in the interest of the common good. Oversight by is needed over all corners of government to assure that the 'common good' does not morph into corporate or private interests labeled as the 'common good,' which we are observing in many government agencies.
In essence you posit: Should governments conceal their machinations from the public in the interest of the common good, or be held liable for their every action.
That's a tough question. Nothing is that simple or that black and white. If you transfer the question from government size to family size... sometimes parental figures (moms, dads and guardians) keep details from the rest of the family... generally for solid reasons. The problem with that scenario is that makes us toddlers who either aren't smart enough or capable of managing truth or reality. So the next level is small business. I have held many leadership roles and whenever possible educated staff on difficulties, strategic planning and long term goals. I always included them in problem solving and goal setting. The problem with that scenario is that .... people can be manipulative, stupid, and destructive. Not all, but enough that make you skittish to trust again. So the short of it is: ideally government should be small and transparent. The reality is it almost never can be.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." I think that sums it up best.
From John Adams to the Massachusetts Miltia, 11 October 1798
Assange - Soros and globalist puppet boy
Asange is DS
Disinformation agent : Assange !
Asange the Soros funded British bought puppet
I suppose he spent close to 14 years basically imprisoned one way or the other because he was disinformation. Geez. Some people's kids...
Are you so daft to understand that he is an instrument of deep state and was never going to be killed
If he had an iota of info to expose the DS he would have been annihilated and not on Soros payroll
I am daft enough to realize that he had more than enough information he disclosed to cause him to be on the run, sitting in embassies for years and landing in prison for years. Gives new meaning to daft. You are "disinformation" and everyone here recognizes that to be TRUTH101. Who said anything about him being killed??? Answer: The deep state disinformation sellout...TRUTH101. How much are you paid to do this across the internet by the government anyway? You have sellout on your forehead. May we never have heard of you disinformation sellout TRUTH101.
Why would someone pay me to to speak the the obvious - your beloved NWO cocksuckkng Assange was sponsored by Soros , has a questionable past , and releases information that is a paltering operation at its finest
During any time that he “hid “ under the so called “imprisonment “ he could have been extradited and killed - he was not ! He will be paraded as hero - even pedowoood loves him ! Movies are made about him !
Here’s another one of your globalist scum that you no doubt believe in like the absolute CIA paltering operation aka :Assange
Trump is a weak puppet and proved to be so: -Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations
-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !
-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.
- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor
-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.
- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients
-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.
-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as:
• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.
• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.
-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.
-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.
No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.
- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022
-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA
-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.
-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law
-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.
-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.
-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.
-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution
-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne
Why did he not pardon Assange? 💩💩🐑💩🐑💩🐑
-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting
And you pivoted to Trump when we were discussing Assange and the government attacks upon a journalist for exposing the truth about the government criminals breaking the law. I will side with the likes of Assange every time instead of the government. Your talking points as a disinformation plant on the internet run out??? Talk about a tool!!! You are exposed. You are government. Chow fool!!!
You idiot cultists can’t discuss a damn thing because you are fools that fall for the shiny and the obvious
Brainwashed fool - Assange is the government
He is supported and financed by the government , laughable idiot
You are a brainwashed NWO tool projecting your lack of critical thinking skills on to me
Unlike you I call out bullshit for what it is
Makes me think
You are the one intentionally ignoring overwhelming facts
Maybe you are the disinformation agent or just plain stupid
Buying into all the mainstream trash they say about Assange !
Including blatant Soros sponsored globalist scam that runs campaign to “free Assange”
Let me guess u are also a Qtard and Maga moron
A moron disinformation criminal attacking me for lack of critical thinking skills is like Biden in the debates, critical thinking skills with Biden are gone, as if he ever had any as a tool of the globalist crowd, and you obviously one who sells out your country for a nickel. Pathetic.
"You call out bullshit for what it is"? Seriously fool, you are buried in bullshit, right up to your disappearing last few hairs on your bald head.
"Makes me think". Seriously fool, you can't think because you are RETARDED in every way, simply because you don't recognize what you have done, selling out the "real America", the America of freedom and liberty, that will one day prevail over slime like your masters in the government who are paying your slimy sell out ass to be that disinformation agent you have shown you are, here today.
"Maybe you are the disinformation agent or just plain stupid". Seriously fool, not only have you convinced everyone here you are a disinformation agent, and you bring stupid to new lows, and I do not even have to name drop people like Klaus, Kamala, and Moochelle Michael, who are in the same category as you. Too stupid to know you are that stupid.
"Buying into the mainstream trash they say about Assange". Seriously fool, you just keep making stupid look intellectually smart. The mainstream bashed Assange for 13 years as their government masters told them to do. You are so stupid you didn't even know that. What a tool. Seems I keep throwing trash out with you.
"Soros campaign to free Assange". Seriously fool, you don't even do this disinformation thing very well. That comment is so stupid, I realize now that someone else is typing your words here because this couldn't be you. You "just ain't that smart".
"Let me guess u are also a Qtard and Maga moron". Wow, you came up out of the slime for a breath and that bile came out of your slime filled mouth, so your typewriter butt buddy that you are allowing to type this Ftard and government BS, could memorize it with it's tiny little Mule stupidity excuse for a brain to type it for you.. Go back and crawl into the slime you come and get another lick from your Fbuddy who is your master and his typewriter keys from the hell you surely come from, and were born from, and deserve to go back to. Bye bye butt Fbuddy... Ha, such a fool. That was fun. I tire of you Ftard, bring on the next disinformation slime ball.
lol. Rick, as you see I'm pretty open about allowing people free speech here. Some people you can't talk too -- this one just goes round and round, hating irrationally. :)
Triggered stupid semi literate half witted bitch ?
I can see runny loghorea flowing out of that gaping black hole identifying as your brain matter
Assange is a DS NWO British sponsored puppet always was and always will be
Trump is pos puppet , Biden is pos puppet
And you are a cretinous mass of stupidity , the kind that globalist feed off