Do you think that when a customer gets in said vehicle, Siri’s soothing voice says, “ Welcome to the techno-fascist state.”?

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"Just relax. You are mine now."

I may do another piece on a recent report summarizing the serious safety problems with EVs in general. They are super quiet (dangerous for pedestrians) and super quick (dangerous for unfamiliar drivers.) But none of them run when the EMP detonates.....

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Those lithium battery fires are something to behold too. I just saw an article about firefighting companies requesting money for specialized training to address them, since they're becoming more prevalent. There's nothing like those socialized costs!

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I sometimes drive an EV. Super quiet and super fast - something that is fun but, as you reference, a bit dangerous to the uninitiated. I still cringe driving it as I believe it is just tailpipe environmentalism as the environmental devastation lay elsewhere in its creation.

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I hope you do. I suppose they can drive us right to prison in the event of whatever thoughtcrime we may be perceived as guilty of as well. I am very familiar with psychopaths and put nothing past them at this point. I just wear my ‘thought criminal’ t-shirt as well as my ‘I’d rather be a rebel than a slave’ shirt so everyone knows where I stand. I am not even kidding.

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All those rosy populist benefits that are trotted out whenever autonomous cars are discussed make me snort. Infirm Granny will be going safely to the grocery store and drunk bowler Joe will be making it home without incident! What's not to love? Let's get real here. Individual AI transportation will never be cheap enough or fully available for Granny and Joe. They're being developed by and for Citizen Tech who is determined (and deserves!) to live above and beyond Granny and Joe and the social ills that those poor slobs suffer and render. A few flattened pedestrians and fender benders (and resource wars and environmental poisoning) are small prices to pay to that end.

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Their safety record is horrid..... :) One case involved a robocar that hit a pedestrian and kept on going..... It ran over Granny, with drunk driver Joe safely not behind the wheel as passenger.... lol

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