Excellent. I follow two individuals who always bring it back to Christian principles. One on YT, and you signed a book for him, Herrick Kimball of Moravia NY (thank you very much) and one by Joe Dolio of TacticalWisdom.com. It is important to have guidelines. I did not know that Jesus "implored his followers not to fret over food and drink". I will have to read those verses. It never occurred to me these food differences between Judaism and Christianity in this regard. I of course know about them but it didn't track, if Christ was a Jew why didn't Christians have similar food laws. Thank goodness we don't because I love pork/ham/bacon.

I wrote on Salatin's blog back in May about the dangers of doing away with the FDA and USDA. Not that I am any fan of them but that they do provide some benefit. He had a lot to say about that and needless to say, I did not sway him in any way but he was very gracious to me.

So good to see you this past weekend. The speech by the Maine legislator was good. I would have loved to have had a chance to have chatted with you afterwards. We need to do that here before somebody gets ahead of us. The presentation by Ms. LaDuke was not what I expected. There were many portions of her presentation that just were untenable to me. Mr. Kittredge of Bionutrient Food Association was very interesting, and I will be following up on his material.

Looking forward to seeing you again sometime.


Pam Baker

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Thanks Pam! It was great to meet you and Bill. We planned to return for Saturday but Jackie was VERY sick Saturday AM so we stayed put. We are just warming up, getting people more aware of the importance of food systems. Let's talk some more. :)

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Yes, lets do that.

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Paul spoke about meat and milk quite a bit. Look up meat in a concordance and discover what our apostle was inspired by God to write to the church, the body of Christ today.

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I understand. But I doubt Paul would counsel that we eat food preservatives and flavorings that make us sick and sterile... :)

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I doubt he could have conceived of the ways we are subjected to the poisons in our environment when he penned his thirteen epistles. He did say evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived; and that we live in an evil, present world. But our hope is not in this world but in that which is to come. I do all I can to give my body what it requires to do the work of an ambassador of Christ. I'll be called home and receive a new body soon. Preach the gospel of Christ and help all those with ears to hear to come unto the knowledge of the truth. The work you do in particular no doubt helps many.

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The hardest thing for people today to understand is that every choice, especially food, is a moral choice.


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Thanks John for highlighting this important biblical connection between food and scripture. Jesus did not say to not worry about what you eat or drink so go ahead and eat poison (read highly processed) junk food. Encouraging and incentivizing people to eat mass junk food was thoroughly baked into the covid scam. The traffic at all fast food drive up windows increased 10 fold early on in the scam and continues on now.

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