Just the fact that parents have to go to court to opt out of what the government schools are doing, THAT ALONE should convince people that compulsory schooling in deeply contrary to our system of self-government. You cannot get your children out of these places of deformation fast enough! Compulsory schooling does not exist to educate children; it exists to harvest them.

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At this point, I don't think private schools are much better. It's homeschool or bust.

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I agree, homeschool them. Or better yet, farm school them. Wish I'd done that with my kids when I had the chance.

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We farm-schooled ours. Best thing we could have possibly done to train them up with humility, initiative, and a work ethic.

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As reported elsewhere today, some public schools are going back to segregated classrooms to address the 'learning gaps' for the students of color; calling it 'affirming' classrooms. If I had kids, I would probably wish I could send them off with to live with the Amish at this point, at least they would learn how to grow food.

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I heard about that a few weeks ago. The New Racists paternalistically treat "people of Color" like "Colored People." It is so tragic, and tragically stupid. Not a single one seems to have considered reading Thomas Sowell or other facts, to see how counter-productive and harmful this is, to children of all colors. Thanks for the comment! :)

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We are mammals. Mammals are male and female. Humans are male and female.

If your school says anything different, homeschool.

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The marxist commies WANT us to withdraw our kids from government schools. Our children are a threat to the indoctrination propaganda fed to kids, as they may provide a narrative the opposes the vile filth spewed by the “teachers”. Many benefits for the marxists when we withdraw our kids: less opposition, we are still taxed but lower the burden on their resources, forces us to fund private education and/or spend our own time and resources on homeschooling. As rewarding as homeschooling may be it still causes us to pay twice for funding both government and private education. Then they are free to denigrate homeschool families behind their back.

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Yes and no. If enough parents withdrew their kids it would challenge public school legitimacy. If they can compel our kids in for brainwashing, I think that is their preference.....

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My cynicism has taken over the better part of my reasoning process. Actually I had a more positive outlook when I was just cynical...Anyhow, I think you’re right about them wanting to keep access to our more influence-able kids, but they don’t want a strong-willed child who has been armed with truth in a position to undo their propaganda. Being challenged in a classroom setting by a well versed student about their falsehoods would be a nightmare for the marxist indoctrinators

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Yes, except they control the disciplinary process and simply punish free thinkers. They sent a kid to the office for calling a girl a girl -- he's 8. The well-informed child will be targeted, ridiculed, and shamed by woke peers and the so-called "professionals" who are hateful bullies attacking children. That is not a good place to permit our children to be pawns in a culture war.

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