Sep 17Liked by John Klar

So now the left wants to kill their unborn babies AND (potentially) your perfectly healthy child…..with a gene therapy “product” that does not stop one from getting or spreading the flu….. oh, and if it doesn’t kill the child, he / she might get turbo cancer, blood clots, myocarditis etc etc later on.

My body my choice… oh, wait.

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

The courts will not protect us. They are there to support the swamp in every level of government. The Supreme Court punted on protecting the 1st amendment over a technicality. How on earth does a State Attorney general of a state government not have the right to sue on behalf of its citizens? They sure seemed to have that right in suing the tobacco companies plus many other times over many issues but not in defending the 1st amendment. Roberts is a fraud and he was the source of the leaked Dobbs decision.

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Charity Clark fought very hard to preempt Vermont parents' rights in our own Supreme Court. We the People are watching.

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

I'm also not going to spend all day in your rabbit hole of stupidity. It just seems to me that on occasion, people need to be reminded of what you're actually about.

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What, you actually have something nontoxic to do?

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

Yep, continue training my Rottweiler, who makes more sense than you do.

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Poor dog..... :)

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

Oh, yeah, he's just miserable chewing on his 2 pound beef marrow bone.

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

PAntivaxxr parents to child: "We didn't vaccinate you because Dr. Mercola said vaccines are dangerous. Anyway, sorry your legs don't work."

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bahahahaha. Eddie is smarter than doctors, and wants to jab kids to protect himself, poor scaredy rabbit.....

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

I don't need to be protected from anything. It is others that need to be protected from your lies and disinformation.

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Are you crying, little snowflake?

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No, actually, I'm alternating between being amazed that you think anyone would take you seriously, and laughing at your clown ass.

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Your mentally unwell please see Dr Pierre Kory or Peter McCullough for a treatment plan

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

I don't shill for free, wetbrain. You're a cancer. You spread disinformation and bigotry like a Typhoid Mary.

Antivaxxers should be put in camps.

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You are already in one Eddie. Your delusions are legendary -- thanks for chirping up. You affirm me.

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You want to put 6-year-olds in camps now, Edster? Methinks your demonic hatred be showing.

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No, just some of their parents. To this day, I'm surprised Christina Nolan didn't ask you to leave her event.

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar

"Children's Health Defense (CHD) is an American 501(c)(3) nonprofit activist group mainly known for anti-vaccine disinformation, and which has been called one of the main sources of misinformation on vaccines." As always, Klar is a tool.

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Take the vaccines, Eddie -- you are a shill for for Big Pharma. As always, Eddie is right on top of it! lol How could lawyers possibly know more than intellectual Eddie? Did you watch the video, Mr. Garcia? Do you support vaccinating young children with an experimental jab despite parental opposition, Ed? Try facts and issues -- the water's fine!

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Sep 17Liked by John Klar


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Thanks for the diagnosis, quack. Have a nice day with your delusions.

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