Reminds me of an episode of "Eureka" that aired on Sci-Fi between 2006 and 2012. "A town filled with residents who are scientific geniuses who work for Global Dynamics – an advanced research facility responsible for the development of nearly all major technological breakthroughs since its inception in the 40's." But the Sheriff is the only non-genius in town and of course, ends up "solving" all the mysteries in town, which are mostly caused by the "experts" at Global Dynamics. The local diner, Café Diem started offering local chicken and suddenly all the brilliant people became dumb. The Sheriff figures out it's the chicken and discovers the purveyor of this product is cloning one chicken and not the whole thing but the parts. Good episode.
Usually, small is better. Small businesses, small firms, small farms, small factories.
And what is wrong with all those experts and talking heads and billionaires is that they are too far removed from everyday reality. In fact, most westerners are too far removed from the facts of living and independence. They made themselves dumb and out of touch. And we are being "governed and ruled" by them either in actuality or de facto.
"Oh what a world" cried the Wicked Witch as she melted into the ground. "What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!"
"what is wrong with all those experts and talking heads and billionaires is that they are too far removed from everyday reality." Exactly, all the way through you are spot on. We must wake people up to their peril!
What could possibly go wrong.
"Do you know, I don't think there is a single piece of meat in this stew. Looks like meat, tastes like meat. It isn't meat at all." Parsons 1984
Absolutely spot on...
Reminds me of an episode of "Eureka" that aired on Sci-Fi between 2006 and 2012. "A town filled with residents who are scientific geniuses who work for Global Dynamics – an advanced research facility responsible for the development of nearly all major technological breakthroughs since its inception in the 40's." But the Sheriff is the only non-genius in town and of course, ends up "solving" all the mysteries in town, which are mostly caused by the "experts" at Global Dynamics. The local diner, Café Diem started offering local chicken and suddenly all the brilliant people became dumb. The Sheriff figures out it's the chicken and discovers the purveyor of this product is cloning one chicken and not the whole thing but the parts. Good episode.
Usually, small is better. Small businesses, small firms, small farms, small factories.
And what is wrong with all those experts and talking heads and billionaires is that they are too far removed from everyday reality. In fact, most westerners are too far removed from the facts of living and independence. They made themselves dumb and out of touch. And we are being "governed and ruled" by them either in actuality or de facto.
"Oh what a world" cried the Wicked Witch as she melted into the ground. "What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!"
"what is wrong with all those experts and talking heads and billionaires is that they are too far removed from everyday reality." Exactly, all the way through you are spot on. We must wake people up to their peril!