Jun 11Liked by John Klar

There is also a growing disconnect between buyers and manufacturers on the ever-increasing amount of technology on cars.

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Jun 11Liked by John Klar

EV’s are spy machines for the government. They can turn them off remotely if you say something the government doesn’t like.

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A retired dentist told me of the great deal he got on his luxury EV because of all the rebates and discounted prices. Driving SoCal roads with their older pickup trucks driven by those who physically do the heavy lifting, the policies subsidizing EVs are shockingly immoral. Add to it that apparently, EV weight causes damage to the roads, which then hurts the working poor driving the roads, notwithstanding the environmental damage obtaining the resources for the batteries, and you arrive at Thomas Sowell's admonition that the so-called do-gooders never suffer the fate of their policies. They just move on to the next thing.

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The EV is an old technology that has been "gussied up" for today's consumer. There isn't anything new or novel from today's EVs when compared to the ones from over 100 years ago. Thus, I submit that this venture will prove to be a bust. Likewise, the manufacture of this vehicle is very bad for the environment. That said, there are new technologies that will be available relatively soon that will make the EV look like an old go-cart. Pax

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Jun 11Liked by John Klar

So… bring back the Stanley Steamers. They burn wood to boil the water for steam.

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Ha Ha? Here's the thing Toyota is in the process of developing a hydrogen engine that is more akin to the internal combustion engine but the byproducts are energy and water. Compare this to the EV and it isn't even close.

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Jun 11Liked by John Klar

And…. They could outrace the Stanley Steamer 🏎️

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"this venture will prove to be a bust."


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$7Billion was granted to install EV charge stations. After years very few have been made. Less than 10

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Jun 11Liked by John Klar

I’ll never buy an EV.

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Jun 11Liked by John Klar

No thnx. My 2011 Subaru only needs one oil change per year and new tires every 3-4 years.

I don’t want to “save the planet”. I want to drill baby drill. And nuke baby nuke.

Solar panels and windmills pollute the landscape and destroy forests, wildlife, oceans, and replace prime farmland. Just say NO to all these insane policies.

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There’s no substitute for oil. The so-called “alternatives” such as wind and solar aren’t energetic enough — the EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) isn’t high enough. Even the EROEI of oil has dropped significantly in last decades. That’s probably why the elites want to suppress oil usage: so that they can enjoy it on into the future (but deny it to everyone else), where the climate change idea is a cover story.

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Jun 18Liked by John Klar

The real solution is extremely high energy density in generation. Only nuclear power can do that. An entire generation of small packaged nuclear power plants are in advanced design stage. This is the answer. Mega AI data centers will each require their own nuclear power plant. These fit in a small footprint of a few acres of land and do not pollute or emit carbon. Personally I think we need more carbon in the atmosphere to feed the plants, crops, jungles, and forests. In turn, they grow and emit the oxygen that all animals need to survive and thrive. EV cars and batteries are a cruel joke. They do far more damage to the environment than modern day fracking of oil and especially natural gas. T Boone Pickens was correct….. convert all heavy trucks and other trucks and construction machines and so forth to CNG. It is cleaner than diesel and far more reliable and clean than lithium batteries that strip mine vast chucks of land and also require chattel slavery of children to get it out and then refine. China currently has a world wide monopoly on rare earth metals. We could do it too in America for most of them, but the psychopaths at the EPA shut down every effort to mine anything in the USA. Every EV car buys a missile for China to destroy the USA.

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Jun 11Liked by John Klar

Is it escaped anyone's attention that we are looking at our generation's Edsel?

Or to use another trite cliche, the elites are arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic while the iceberg of their creation steadily bears down on them.

I continue to be perplexed at the elite and all their ilk, including the cuckolded VT legislature, on what their "real" motivation behind all this folderol is truly about. Because this is just not jiving with me. My gut, my instinct says something else is going on. What that might be is outside of my peabrain.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by John Klar

Simple solution for Vermont. Halt all oil, gas, heating oil, and lubricant shipments into Vermont immediately. Go to New Hampshire or Maine to fill your tank. When the winter comes, the insanity will end pretty quick. They do have chickens there. They do have pine trees. When you tar and feather the lunatic politicians, they will change their minds. It will take weeks to get the pine sap out of their hair.

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In CCP CANADA deliveries must match mandates to avoid huge penalties to the OEM so at 20 80 dealers order 8 ice cars people want. oems must deliver 2 EV with those 8. Those 2 don't sell. Then dealership orders another 8 and now has 4 on the lot they can't sell. And then they order another 8 and have 6 evs on the lot they can't sell. Until the lot is all EV.

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