Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by John Klar

The Importance of Fellowship

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”


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Jul 2Liked by John Klar

It’s not just about a “broken safety culture”. This is a gross oversimplification that is meant to give the impression that fixing the safety problem will make everything better again. The broken safety culture is just one symptom of the Boeing debacle. The real disease that has infected every single division of Boeing, including the safety department, is:

DEI. It metastasizes and virtually guarantees that there is absolutely no subject matter expertise at any level of management or supervision. At all management levels, blunders and incompetence are rewarded by shuffling the lackey off to another position where they can lay low until the dust settles from their latest debacle. Many high-paying, one-off positions are created specifically to absorb these non-performers.

Apprenticeship programs are not immune to DEI. The steady decline of expertise finds its way to the assembly line as DEI guarantees a diminishing return of job skills and tool skills. Blunders on the assembly lines are dealt with by 1) more training and 2) increased oversight by the safety department and inspection department, all of which have been rendered useless by DEI. The DEI kracken has extended its tentacles into every part of this company and is pulling it under.

I never worked at or for Boeing. I describe the process as I observed it infect a large ship repair yard in the same area. Arrogant incompetence behaves in predictably similar fashion.

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Wow! The DEI sabotage is layered over sloppy materials management systems -- there seems to be more and more fraud in materials procurement certifications...

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This is the explanation I was given about Boeing.

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A magazine piece blamed the merger of Boeing with McDonnell-Douglas, and it is all of the latter's bean-counting that is causing all the problems. This is inverse to what I've heard: the former is swamped with 'correct culture' problems that have resulted in the issues. Considering that Boeing is in Seattle while the other is in the Midwest, I am going with the inverse. https://qz.com/1776080/how-the-mcdonnell-douglas-boeing-merger-led-to-the-737-max-crisis

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Jul 2Liked by John Klar

It really doesn’t matter about the merger. DEI infects and destroys all companies of sufficient size. It (dei, affirmative action etc) has been federally mandated for decades. It’s implemented and enforced by the fed’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. An affected employee who files an EEOC complaint strikes mortal fear in management and they will create any job position for the complainant if they fear being accused of discrimination.

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This is very third-hand at best, but apparently, the grown-ups at MD have made clear that Boeing management is to leave them alone.

But yes, the virus DEI is a parasite that destroys companies before our eyes. But I think it is more than that. It destroys a shared vision and sense of community. We live near a stop sign. For years people rolled through it but at least sort of stopped. Now that everyone has been infected with a sense of righteous tribalism, even middle-aged women fly through the stop sign. I knew when it started five years ago, something was up. I was reading about how ants communicate with each other through chemical reactions and other seemingly ethereal modes - all promoted by a huge invasion on the property. It hit me that humans are no different. We are shaped by the actions of others without realizing it. We are sinking lower and lower into mutual hatred and disregard for others and don't even realize it.

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Jul 3Liked by John Klar

That video is hilarious and exposes the real problem.

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Haha I am a Methodist. So crazy that when I was a kid, I was dragged to Sunday school by a Methodist family, fearing for my soul as a Catholic. The Church is still standing though wobbly and the Methodist seem to have new gods.

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I sent the link to a Methodist friend whose church is in the midst of that national battle.... :)

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I heard someone say to be funny, you have to be grounded in truth. Perhaps this is why our movement is now funny, and those wanting to keep power are not.

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All good humor is grounded in truth (satire), which is why many comedians (inlcuding Bill Maher) claim wokeness has ruined comedy because one can't joke about anything anymore. Wokesters can't take satire, or fun, any better than truth -- they need something to hate and control, which is hard to do when humanized by humor.

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Sadly, our moral devolution is apparent. A return to barbarism, by choice....

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Jul 2Liked by John Klar

Trust is hard to rebuild once broken. Some say it's impossible.

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I worked for years in the titanium industry. Such fraud is hard to avoid when the profits are so attractive....

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No more flights for you then? :)

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