Jun 5Liked by John Klar

"Fake meat fantasies closely resemble renewable manufacturing boondoggles. ..."

That paragraph says a lot. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

How many ways can they invent to insert some GMO's into our bodies, whether by injection or the food supply?

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Jun 5Liked by John Klar

TPTB always think they are smarter than God. hahaha! 😆

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Jun 5Liked by John Klar

Speaking of GMO, I saw this yesterday on NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/02/06/1228868005/purple-tomato-gmo-gardeners

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Very interesting and educational.... Thanks!

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Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina McCullough have a very informative podcast released about 1 month ago about this "approved" GMO product. Their podcast is called Beyond Labels.

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Jun 5Liked by John Klar

In this state I seem to remember a time when Vt sued some states over labeling of syrup because it wasn't real Vermont syrup. What is the difference in labeling meat? Difference in Legislators?

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by John Klar

I hope you are right that, "the fake meat debate will fade faddishly into the rearview mirror." I am no fan of big agriculture/food and believe that if there is a dollar to be made, all bets are off. Do you know if we--meaning the feds--is funding the fake meat industry? (Other than the GMO connection.) Thanks for the good article.

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They are losing their shirts. Beyond Meat's stock is down nearly 97% from its high, and they have spent most of their bankroll without breaking even. I am not aware of US funding, but I haven't dug into it. It wouldn't surprise me.....

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There should be an update to the Super Size Me movie with fake meat eaten at every meal by anyone advocating for this.

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Except Morgan Spurlock, creator of Super-Size Me, just passed away at age 53, of cancer.....

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I don't want someone to die but..... health complications evidencing it is bad for you would be nice.

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Actually, Beyond Beef has claimed its substitutes improve health and athletic performance.... :)

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Kind of like how margarine was better for us.

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"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature...."

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We should repurpose that and put it on a t shirt as a rallying cry for the sane.

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GOD CREATED EVERYTHING, ALL,,,,, EVIL MAN DISTORTED IT YEP AGAIN NO SUCH THING AS BIRD FLU,,,,IT IS EVIL MAN MADE COMMUNIST ABOMINATION PLOT AGAINST GODS CREATIONS = FACT https://clayclark.substack.com/p/bird-flu-10-bird-flu-facts-you-need https://clayclark.substack.com/p/bird-flu-10-bird-flu-facts-you-need

Bird Flu | 10 Bird Flu Facts You Need to Know About Bird Flu Now + "According to the Kremlin, It's Known As the BRICS Bridge Multi-Sided Payment Platform."

Thrivetime Show | The Great ReAwakening versus The Great Reset


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Dating for the Unvaccinated

So, if you were a young person looking to get married to someone and want to have healthy children, wouldn’t it make sense to find someone similarly unvaccinated? That was part of the impetus behind Unjected.com, which bills itself as the world’s “first and largest Covid-19 unvaccinated platform since its creation in 2021 with members in 90 different countries.”

Unjected founder Shelby Hosana Thomson explains that the genesis for the service was not just about bringing couples together so they could conceive babies free of the poisonous mRNA. In an online video, she says its overall mission was to bring together like-minded people who believe in health-conscious, medical freedom whether they were looking for partners, friends or business relationships.

The site has faced many hurdles. When it launched in 2021, the left went completely bonkers, ridiculing the site on late night talk shows and in online news stories. Ultimately both Apple and Google booted the dating app stores out of their app stores for “violating guidelines” and “misinformation.” In 2022 and recently this past April, the was found to be exposing users’ personal information, according to tech trade news sites. Despite the obstacles, the site continues to grow, adding a Substack blog, podcast and posts photos of happy couples who’ve found each other through the site.

World's First Covid-19 Unvaccinated Platform

Unvacccinated dating, friendships and community. Build a profile and get connecting with other likeminded, unvaccinated humans around the world.


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The Covid-19 vaccines could have long-term negative implications to the human race. Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo in January called for a halt to the shots for this very real possibility. In a Tucker Carlson interview, he said, “The vaccines have DNA in them… and that’s not necessarily a big deal, but it’s a problem with these vaccines because the DNA hangs on with the mRNA and goes into people’s cells. … So, this is a completely different risk analysis than other products that have had DNA. … These vaccines are the antichrist of all products.” https://mammothnation.com/blog/being-unvaccinated-in-a-covid-19-jabbed-world?utm_source=deployer&utm_medium=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=email_letter&utm_term=

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God Has Preserved His Word

“The words of the Lord are pure words; they are silver tried in an earthen furnace refined seven times.”

— Psalm 12:6 🙏

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