I agree, John. IMO, it is long past time for the formation of a populist movement that completely abandons the current education system, which ultimately only parents/taxpayers can do by removing their children from the current system and seeking out and creating a demand for logical, proven methods based on individual preferences, measured by results and merit, not feelings.
Privatization means decentralization, meaning the customer gets to shop around among various teachers and programs that best suit their needs and desires for their children, along with all the economic incentives that business and philanthropic organizations can supplement and support the poor and overachievers alike in their communities.
The whole purpose of education is (or ought to be) to foster innate talent and skills that doesn't just provide free meals, but teaches people to feed themselves and others. Currently, the one-size-fits-all indoctrination within a victim/oppressor framework has replaced honest inquiry and dissemination of knowledge -- the infinite amount of subject matter that generates productivity and mutual benefit, aka the free market. Rewarding excellence instead of subsidizing division and failure...gee, what a concept.
The only framework that matters is the adherence to the rule of law in order to operate in a safe environment. When law and order cannot be agreed upon and is perverted beyond reason and imposed by force, then we are ruled by others, the choices available and the freedom to choose have been restricted or denied entirely.
The Declaration of Independence puts forth the best rationale and attempt toward establishment our Constitutional Republic...if we can keep it. It was designed to and can only occur from the bottom up. Just think what families could do with property taxes (paid in perpetuity whether you have school-age children or not), rather than a redistribution of wealth to a bureaucratic and unaccountable union and government leviathan that trafficks in communist/Marxist theory, which has only and always resulted in misery and genocide everywhere it has been allowed.
Q - is there a person or group you follow that shares those views about education? We get paralyzed at times by over abundance of options and can use advice from others further down the road.
Keep the pressure on! We have to fight back and CRUSH this evil. Remember this story every time you cut a check for “property taxes” which is really mostly for supporting “teachers” and their life time pensions! Makes me sick!
This story is appalling. Another reason of the now very lengthy list of reasons, to homeschool one’s children.
I will be at the Heal & Nourish/True Food Summit in Arizona in January. Look forward to meeting you!
I don't know of a public school in Vermont I would trust with my children or grandchildren.....
That's great we will meet in Arizona!! Coming right up, too!
I agree, John. IMO, it is long past time for the formation of a populist movement that completely abandons the current education system, which ultimately only parents/taxpayers can do by removing their children from the current system and seeking out and creating a demand for logical, proven methods based on individual preferences, measured by results and merit, not feelings.
Privatization means decentralization, meaning the customer gets to shop around among various teachers and programs that best suit their needs and desires for their children, along with all the economic incentives that business and philanthropic organizations can supplement and support the poor and overachievers alike in their communities.
The whole purpose of education is (or ought to be) to foster innate talent and skills that doesn't just provide free meals, but teaches people to feed themselves and others. Currently, the one-size-fits-all indoctrination within a victim/oppressor framework has replaced honest inquiry and dissemination of knowledge -- the infinite amount of subject matter that generates productivity and mutual benefit, aka the free market. Rewarding excellence instead of subsidizing division and failure...gee, what a concept.
The only framework that matters is the adherence to the rule of law in order to operate in a safe environment. When law and order cannot be agreed upon and is perverted beyond reason and imposed by force, then we are ruled by others, the choices available and the freedom to choose have been restricted or denied entirely.
The Declaration of Independence puts forth the best rationale and attempt toward establishment our Constitutional Republic...if we can keep it. It was designed to and can only occur from the bottom up. Just think what families could do with property taxes (paid in perpetuity whether you have school-age children or not), rather than a redistribution of wealth to a bureaucratic and unaccountable union and government leviathan that trafficks in communist/Marxist theory, which has only and always resulted in misery and genocide everywhere it has been allowed.
Q - is there a person or group you follow that shares those views about education? We get paralyzed at times by over abundance of options and can use advice from others further down the road.
Keep the pressure on! We have to fight back and CRUSH this evil. Remember this story every time you cut a check for “property taxes” which is really mostly for supporting “teachers” and their life time pensions! Makes me sick!
...and for supporting administrators who are essentially "facilitators", along with their sold-out political class, of their globalist cronies/donors.
Every time I think we might retire to Vermont I read something like this… ugh. Nauseating.
Any word on SCOTUS hearing the case?
There will be no word for at least three months, I expect.... ;)
How disgusting. Hey, teachers (and "medical professionals", leave them kids alone!
"All in all you're just another brick in the wall."