We have to confront the PR and censorship campaign that ensconces this totalitarianism.

1. We are in a 70 year solar maximum

2. C02 lags temperature by about 100 years. So the relationship is not causation

3. Human C02 is 3 Percent of the total carbon cycle.

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The "science" they rely upon is bunk. The solutions they propose to the non-problem are bunk. People are waking up to the scam -- EVs and solar panels simply accelerate the pollution. But hey, the profits and power are worth destroying the planet in the name of saving it.... Biggest scam in human history, guaranteed to keep failing.

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Jun 26Liked by John Klar

There is also very credible evidence that we are in a rapid geomagnetic reversal which has climate effects not recorded by modern humans. In other words "no man's land".

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Jun 26Liked by John Klar

Read “The Report from Iron Mountain”, (1967) a joint document produced the Department of State and the Rockefeller Foundation. Named after the abandoned mine in upstate New York that was turned into a bunker for the great industrialists (and now anti-industrialists). They outline the need for negatively productive measures that can consume resources and give you a negative ROI (just like War). In our economic system of debt, where money is created out of thin air, the need to have levers which can dampen and amplify the economy are needed. The climate issue is outlined as one possible socio-cultural source of negative ROI. When we spend money to create battery systems powered by long distance transmission of solar and wind we are ensuring that we will have a lower standard of living. The embedded energy concentration in solar and wind, when combined with the transmission and storage of energy, is too low to provide similar levels of joules at similar levels of resources. What does this mean? Solar and Wind on battery storage take more fossil fuels to produce and maintain than if you burned that diesel to run a local generator (rooftop solar in an off grid situation is probably different). China owns the solar and battery supply chains. Any energy that gets produced by solar has to go through China first. And whoever uses solar and battery storage is getting punished by having higher energy costs, which means lower standard of living. I am pretty sure Kissinger was a part of these conversations to transfer prosperity to the East from the West. We exported all of our manufacturing, so that the Chinese wouldn’t devolve into another Maoist revolution? I can’t help to think that there were big dollar plays there. It doesn’t make any sense for the US Dept of State to advocate for the destruction of the American Manufacturing base, but that is what they did starting with the 1971 getting off the gold standard. America has been under attack for over 50 years from malevolent influences that seek to kill and enslave us. Our money is garbage, our media is garbage, our culture is garbage, and that is not an organic devolution towards chaos, but a top down oligarchic psyop that in decades past were only used against third world countries. The sexual revolution was a psyop. Mass media is a psyop. Transgenderism is a psyop. Modern medical literature is a psyop. The “green revolution” is a psyop. The USDA is not a tool for agriculture, but rather a weapon to inflict terror and chaos against unfriendly regimes. The USDA and USAID (CIA carve out) work hand and hand to produce unsustainably low commodity prices so that we can export calories to places with unfriendly regimes and destroy local agriculture. USAID will flood the market of Burkina Faso with 1000 of tons of cheap cheap rice and then all the local rice farmers will go out of business, begin to riot and then there will be famine and chaos. These are the types of goals of NGOs. Don’t give to Red Cross. Don’t give to Children’s Hospitals. Don’t give to American Heart Association or American Cancer Association, these are all Rockefeller foundation fronts that seek to kill, sterilize and maim any chance they get. Our society is upside down and inside out. They want us all dead, sick and enslaved.

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Jun 26Liked by John Klar

I'm in. I have my "I am the militia" T shirt already, amongst other things.


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Jun 26Liked by John Klar

Preach. Another banger of an article.

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Thanks! I repurposed it because it is more clearly true than ever....

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