May 9Liked by John Klar

Anything the FDA, CDC, EPA or any other 3-4 letter agency says is "concerning" and to avoid, I wholeheartedly consume, believing it must be good for me if they attack it. Drank raw milk my whole life. Brought up four kids on it and they find sources where they move to. Have never once had health issues. It's processed dairy that harms people's health.

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Preach it! Truth!

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The globalists are expert" pushers" of Fear.

Fear weakens the immune system by constantly triggering release of adrenal hoones that are useful for isolated, BRIEF episodes of fight or flight. We can't fight or flee, but perhaps should ignore their claims and believe in ourselves as capable of being strong. Resistance through dismissal of Fear-porn is a critical factor in overcoming these would-be tyrants. Yes, take precautions! Take care of your health with good nutrition, perhaps some supplements like vitamin D3 and zinc ( small amounts of zinc block vital attachment to our cells, and the best sources have been scrubbed out of our food supply). Get adequate sleep and rest, and avoidance of toxic respiratory pollutants such as tobacco and cannabis smoke.

It is becoming more widely known that Human Consciousness is very powerful when the frequencies of positivity in our thoughts are elevated. Fear lowers frequency of our electromagnetic biofields, while the positive emotions of happiness, joy and love elevate the frequencies We feel better when around others who are feeling happy and appreciated. That's why we gravitate towards charismatic people, or even why we are so attached to our pets. Those individuals who are living in the moment, enjoying life, feeling confident and useful create an electromagnetic field around themselves and can amplify the harmonic elevation of emotional frequencies all around.

Push away the Fear-pushers by stopping listening to them as much as possible. And don't believe they can offer a perfect "vaccine" to protect you.

That's a way to stay Vermont Strong.

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Thanks for this terrific counsel! I am convinced that I am able to "ground" myself throughout each day via my dogs and animals, who do not have much appreciation of my concerns over CRT, jabs, trans-surgeries, or economic collapse. They just want food and water, and perhaps a scratch or two. I see them as miracles, but also therapists -- especially my Border Collie. I would add the ingestion of microbiome-feeding foods like raw milk, Kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc. as a good way to ward off toxins. I do listen to the fear-pushers, so that I can rebut them and counsel people as you do here. Thanks so much for this contribution! As you rightly say, "Resistance through dismissal of Fear-porn is a critical factor in overcoming these would-be tyrants."

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May 9Liked by John Klar

God must be laughing at the idiots in this world who think they are smarter than him! Science is just someone else's theory. Trouble is there are too many idiots that believe in it just because they have a title before their name, never realizing that all it takes is a handful of overbearing scientists with fistfuls of money backing them to push their theories!

Whatever happened to thinking for yourselves?

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Amen! Wendell Berry calls this "techno-mysticism." Faith in science over all else.

Isaiah 2:8: "their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: and the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not." But I don't think God is laughing: I suspect He is weeping, though He knew where this idolatry would lead.....

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May 9Liked by John Klar

John, thanks for this well written piece. Again why only dairy cattle??? Birds and Beef cattle coexist and yet the birds only poop on the dairy cattle??? Something just doesn't feel right about this. Yes birds are in Free Stall Dairy barns as the roost and make nests etc but they are just as likely to be in the housing farmers provide their beef cattle so if the source is wild birds why is there nothing in the Beef Cattle? Is this an attack from the WEF people on the food supply? Using fear followed by over regulation to address a fear that they created? that results in less food which results in greater panic. Do not trust any of the agencies any longer

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I have asked the same questions. Apparently beef cattle can also be infected, and have been in the past -- but scaring people over their milk (especially raw) seems to be by design. My research also shows years of killing chickens for bird-to-bird transmissions, so cows aren't really changing that. Recent articles are claiming if it skips to swine then it will threaten humanity, yet that hasn't happened. Fear porn it is! What nature/God created is generally good; what humanity does to corrupt those provisions for profit, generally not. I suspect they are coming for our cows -- to save the world and all, dontchaknow.

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May 9Liked by John Klar

A key point that appears to be vastly overlooked is... it's flu like symptoms when manifested in humans. Only the very medically frail succumb to the flu. So why all the fear porn? That is the most telling observation from my end.

People love to be afraid and that is what globalists are counting on. What is the end goal? Hmm. Yup.

So ridiculous.

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The real pandemic is obesity.

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These are just building blocks for our destruction. I want to know when will we reach critical mass of humans aware they are on the receiving end of a democide.

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It's called "End Times" for a reason.... :)

Some will never wake up to their plight.

Demonicide is a good summation, I think. I must free myself of fear in order to fight back -- nothing of much good ever arises from fear.....

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May 9Liked by John Klar

I don't have any numbers but as I breed meat rabbits and sell breeding trios mostly to people who are trying their hardest to take another step towards feeding themselves, I see the increase on a local level and I get to talk person to person and these folks are not living in fear but they are serious about doing what they can to fight back. I also have my first Jersey cow and we have loved having our own milk. We are to the point that a grocery trip is minimal. They will put a tag in my cow's ear over my dead body. I know talk is cheap but I feel this threat viscerally. At least I am not asleep anymore.

John, my animals help keep me sane as well. Animals are so uncomplicated compared to all of this. And they give so much in response to good care.

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"They will put a tag in my cow's ear over my dead body." Amen!


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May 9Liked by John Klar

We are completely sympatico on this (and of the same generation age wise).

I didn't start the process of getting a milk cow as a revolutionary act.

However, that it has turned out to be one?

Bring it on.

And I hope eventually to help others do the same.

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I didn't plan it either... God did. :) I got very sick with Lyme Disease and had to close my law practice. Moved to Vermont and started farming to keep active, and gradually fell into it. I have learned much about food, and why my Vermont forebears were pushed out by Big Ag and regulations (as Wendell Berry has chronicled). My book re same is here: https://www.amazon.com/Small-Farm-Republic-Conservatives-Environmental/dp/1645022196/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1678300945&sr=1-1

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May 9Liked by John Klar

God knew you would be a wonderful voice - a light of sanity.

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:) I was not raised Christian. Never planned to be a lawyer, farmer or pastor -- in hindsight I see He was always there, even when I denied Him. I am still a work in progress(ive sanctification). Thanks so much for the encouragement!

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May 9Liked by John Klar


That is an amazing testimony.

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May 9Liked by John Klar

Joel Salatin: My first suggestion is to save the survivors and begin breeding them. That’s a no-brainer. If a flock gets HPAI, let it run its course. It’ll kill the ones it’ll kill but in a few days the survivors will be obvious.

link: https://brownstone.org/articles/why-are-the-chickens-so-sick/

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Yes, Joel is common sense to counter their folly....

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by John Klar

Have to get rid of raw milk products somehow…..only 3 letter agency I trust is my G U T.

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May 9Liked by John Klar

Michigan just put restrictions on poultry and dairy cattle. Avian flu as pretext over Michigan poultry and dairy


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So glad that I loaded my goats and my birds into a trailer and moved from Michigan to Tennessee going on three years ago.

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May 10Liked by John Klar

Another scam in the making.

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Yup. Over 12000 chemicals, all around us. The folly of man....

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PFAS =1. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA):

Non-stick cookware (e.g., pans, frying pans)

Stain-resistant fabrics (e.g., carpets, upholstery)

Food packaging (e.g., microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes)

Firefighting foam

Waterproof clothing (e.g., rain jackets)

Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS):

Stain-resistant coatings on textiles (e.g., carpets, furniture)

Carpet cleaners

Firefighting foam

Metal plating and surface treatment

Photographic industries (e.g., in film-processing chemicals)

Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA):

Cleaning products (e.g., stain removers)

Paints and coatings


Lubricants and metal-working fluids

Electronics manufacturing

Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA):

Water- and oil-resistant paper coatings

Coatings for food packaging

Cleaning products

Lubricants and metal-working fluids


Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS):

Stain-resistant coatings on clothing

Upholstery and carpets

Food packaging

Leather products

Firefighting foam

Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA):

Water- and oil-resistant coatings for paper and cardboard

Coatings for food contact materials

Firefighting foam

Automotive lubricants

Textile and leather treatments

Perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA):

Stain-resistant treatments for carpets and upholstery

Coatings for cookware and bakeware

Lubricants for heavy machinery

Paints and coatings

Adhesives and sealants

Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA):

Stain-resistant coatings on textiles (e.g., carpets, upholstery)

Firefighting foam

Photographic industries

Heat transfer fluids

Electrical insulation

Perfluoromethanesulfonic acid (PFMS):


Metal cleaning agents

Capacitors and electronic components

Photographic industries

Aviation hydraulic fluids

Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS):

Firefighting foam

Coatings for carpets and textiles

Chrome plating

Metal finishing

Electronics manufacturing

Perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA):

Stain-resistant coatings on textiles

Paper and cardboard coatings

Mold release agents

Cosmetics and personal care products

Photographic industries

Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA):

Lubricants and hydraulic fluids

Stain-resistant coatings on textiles and carpets

Firefighting foam

Mold release agents

Pesticide formulations

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Bombshell: Ghoulgle (and YouTube) funded COVID-19 bioweapon development, study reveals AND Media Research Center reports that FaceBootk interfered in national elections at least 39 times since 2008 that are documented. Same study showed that Google interfered some 41 times. Both organizations have been working overtime in coordination with the Democrat Party and the Deep State to tilt American elections leftward.

Pull it up yourself to see all the particulars. Silicon Valley takes great pride in driving public sentiment within the United States. They figure that since they own the opinion channels in America, it is their right to influence election outcomes however they want. They call it “free enterprise.” BUT ITS ALL CORRUPT

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