Bill Gates is a perfect example of what can go wrong in capitalism. He stoled the technology that gave us Windows. His company produced mediocre products but he used very immoral policies early in the days of the PC that forced computer manufacturers to incorporate Microsoft products forcing all of us to use his products killing off competition. Now he is using his ill gotten gain to further his work at population control. You need to read the history of his father regarding eugenics and his involvement with planned parenthood. Read RFK jr book the Real Anthony Fauci and discover for yourself the horrors that the Gates foundation has done in Africa. There are only two ways to get great wealth. It’s either illegal or immoral. Gates took the immoral path and he continued on it today.

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Thanks for these terrific -- and true -- observations!

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Sociopaths will take advantage of every system we have devised so far. Gates is one of the premier examples of that. I still believe that someone can get wealthy providing real value for real people though we are likely talking different levels.

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Mosquitoes sound like an excellent way to mass-"vaccinate" populations whether they wish to be or not.

Or, you know, deliver basically any biochemical payload you can genetically engineer them to carry. Like those "make people less religious and more obedient" drugs he fantasized about a few years ago.

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Bill Gates is a murderer and a eugenics freak, following in the footsteps of his father. His "investments" are responsible for tens of millions of murders by "vaccination" around the globe. For example, Dr. Denis Rancourt has recently released a revised study that shows 17+ million people have been murdered by the gene-therapy shots in selected countries in the southern hemisphere:


Download the study and understand what is going on:

1. There was no pandemic in 2020

2. Millions of people have been murdered by the shots.

3. "vaccines" have been a population reduction tool for ages.

4. Bill Gates personifies EVIL


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And soon they will control all food, and the currency -- to "save" us from ourselves..... get ready for Soiling Green and gulags....

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Soilent Green, that is.

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I'm not so sure. Cracks are forming quickly in their completely fraudulent agendas. In farming, thanks to people like you, more and more people are discovering the truth about regenerative farming and the animals that help bring the soil back to health. On the election fraud front, a major federal case was filed in the Southern district of Florida. The case indicts the former head of elections in the Phillipine islands - Bautista. ( His ex-wife told officials that he had an extra $20 million dollars hanging around..) Why is this case important? Smartmatic - Dominion paid him to use their machines; he gave them a $199 million contract. The smartmatic software was designed to fix elections, originating in Venezuela under Chavez. This case will destroy dominion and all the other criminal companies associated with them. Patrick Bryne has been behind the scenes since November 2020. We will never, ever quit. Keep spreading the word. Peace.

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John your right about the love of money. The trouble with having more money is that today it seems having it makes a lot of people combine the money with the feeling of power over others!

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A temptation as old as money itself -- which began as large chunks of etched stone, per Milton Friedman (Money Mischief).

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If anyone thinks the claim that Gates acts as though he thinks he is a god is an extreme statement, all you have to do is consider how he tries to affect the natural, God created environment. Bill Gates is anti-nature!

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Outstanding essay, John.

Every one of Gates's mad schemes requires the coercive arm of government to implement.

Here is my take on his geoengineering madness: https://mindsetshifts.substack.com/p/scientists-are-hatching-mad-plans.

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Great piece! I subscribed. Thanks Barry.

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I appreciate the kind note, John. Thanks, Barry

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Money and greed are the root to all evil!

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Actually, it is "the love of money" that is the root..... Some of use money for good causes, like feeding Ugandan orphans. :)

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To paraphrase, Bill Gates is in the business of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.

The problem comes out in genetics we do not really know how to interfere with the way the world is. The way the world actually is, is an enormously complex interrelated organism. The same problem arises in medicine, because the body is a very complexly interrelated organism.

John, not sure if you have heard about the Cane Toad problem in Australia but is another great example,


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