I just listened to the podcast and I enjoyed its clear, concise, thought provoking content! Your tone was good, you did not speak too quickly, and the time of 15 or less minutes was perfect! Great job, and I think everyone can agree with what you said.

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Thanks for the feedback (and encouragement). I felt it was wooden -- I was basically reading the article. I plan to do some exclusive interviews with Vermont farmers soon, and I hope people will enjoy them. It's been a dream of mine of two decades to try to capture some of that culture before it has vanished.

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We've pre-ordered your book. Excellent podcast episode.

Vermont is mostly rural, and many citizens have acres of arable land. Many (like my family) are trying to be self sustaining, after realizing our property is an underutilized asset. A good sized garden, a bunch of chickens, fruit trees, does not make us farmers. But it sure makes us appreciate them.

The best result is that we reconnect with organic rather than digital life. I'd much rather be knee deep in real BS, and not the unending stream supplied by the government and mainstream media.

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Thanks for writing, and for the support! I am confident my book will affirm your direction. Writing it was often discouraging because my research showed just how toxic much food has become, and how very vulnerable we are. Sometimes homesteaders are derided as "preppers," but it is a win-win to eat healthily, be self-reliant, and embrace gratitude. Our urban culture has largely lost its connection to soil and its own food, and thus to itself. At great peril to us all.

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I recently listened to a presentation about investing locally on 'Financial Rebellion' (https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/financial-rebellion-with-catherine-austin-fitts/local-investing/) and believe many of us would be interested in encouraging and financing local production like farming if we knew how. I hope more information becomes available about how that can be done. Thank you for your efforts! I'm waiting for your book to come out!

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That's definitely part of my book: how to reduce regulatory burdens for small producers, and provide them with tax incentives. Also increasing distribution support. A people abandon their local agriculture at great peril. We are in great peril already, which will soon become shockingly evident. Thanks for commenting!!

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