In the Soviet Union’s Cold War years of absorption of eastern bloc nations as “communist,” the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was often called the CCCP, a disambiguation of “Союз Советских Социалистических Республик.” Though overtly Marxist, the current effort at global one-world revolution is not centered in Moscow, but in the climate-obsessed cult of Greta Thunberg and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Dostoevsky’s 1872 predictions of the woke Soviet atheists coming to destroy Russia in 1917 apply to climate cultists: they are “The Possessed.” Today’s (demonically?) possessed are the new CCCP: “Climate Change Cult Prophets.”
Climate change cultists concoct extremist, un-scientific predictions from so-called “climate models” to pontificate end-of-the-world scenarios to terrify generations of schoolchildren. The oft-incanted “IPCC Report” does not prophecy the scaredy-Greta mouth-foaming horrors with which that poor girl has been inculcated. Vox reports even the most severe of five possible futuristic climate scenarios (in which humanity does nothing to avert climate catastrophe) does not foretell the Thunbergian “Godzilla Eats the Globe” CCCP Apocrypha:
This scenario envisions global economic growth across the board fueled by burning coal, oil, and natural gas, with the planet’s population leveling off at 7 billion people. ….This odd combination of assumptions and results makes this the most dire but one of the least plausible scenarios. However, it helps scientists probe the upper limits of their models.
Globalists, Farming, and Food
The WEF’s top five long-term global risks are climate-related. Klaus Schwab gets giddy fantasizing about global chaos, supposedly because he is philanthropic and wants to save the world—perhaps by stabilizing the human population via globalist-assisted culling. If Klaus isn’t the latest real-life James Bond (or Austin Powers) movie-villain aspirant, he sure probes the upper limits of their models.
There is no globalist raison d’etre without “existential” climate urgency. There is no climate urgency without scientific justification. No scientific justification is proffered by climate modeling, for no climate modeling predicts the imminent end of the world. Climate-fearmongering is counter-scientific political propaganda, much like the Wuhan gain-of-function pandemic, gender and race “theories,” histrionics about gun violence and right-wing domestic terrorists, and the trans-indoctrination of children.
Extrapolating the “least plausible” greenhouse gas speculations into “the most dire” world-destroying certainties displays Orwellian Fear Porn terrifying proles into mindless subservience. Science cannot predict the weather accurately for more than a few days (if that!), famines more than a few months into the future, or stock markets for next Monday. The more numerous the data inputs, the more variables and complexity impair forecasting model reliability. Vox correctly warns of the IPCC climate models that “It’s important to remember that these scenarios are not exact forecasts of the future. The scientists who created them are not making judgments about which ones are most likely to come to pass.”
(The Vermont skyline reflects a highly complex environment.)
Hyping the Climate Threat: Abusing the Science
Instead, climate prophets seize the reins from scientists and run hippie wild. In 1982, the U.N.’s Mostafa Tolba warned “By the turn of the century, an environmental catastrophe will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust.” In 1989, a U.N. official claimed that “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” Al Gore predicted in 2006 “that humanity had only 10 years left before the world would reach a point of no return.” And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed in 2019 “the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”
Priests of New Age Alarmism somehow retain credibility despite all failed forecasts, like 21st-century Millerites. Ignoring their own climate-change religiosity, secularists howl against Christian scientists for denying their children medical attention. A Huffington Post commentary titled “Ritual Sacrifice is Alive and Well in 21ST Century America” dramatically proclaims:
….we send a defenseless little child marching up to an [sic] alter of ignorance to be splayed out and sacrificed at the rate of one per month in America. It's a curious thing that we humans so easily lose sight of the real world consequences of our self-centered "spiritual" machinations.
What then of the spiritual machinations of the climate cultists, terrifying others’ children into Schwabian submission? Surely the tall-tale horror stories of looming carbon dioxide doom recollect an ancient child-torturing Aztec religion more than Christian Science. The Aztecs tortured and killed young children to change the weather, much like modern geo-engineers of the atmosphere (including the WEF), or those commanding the elimination of fossil fuels—no matter what the human suffering in famine, or lack of heat in winter, or terrorizing of children to tears.
Cult Priestess Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg thunders:
Some people say that I should study to become a climate scientist so that I can ‘solve the climate crisis’. But the climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change. ….Avoiding climate breakdown will require cathedral thinking. We must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling.
This is bootstrapping absurdity—the limited science clearly states that it should not be used for such extrapolations. More, renewable “technologies” entail massive incineration of coal and oil, and enormous withdrawals of mined and transported materiel in their manufacture. These investments that allegedly “have already solved” the non-existent existential crisis themselves accelerate consumption, pollution, and greenhouse gas production. Cathedral thinking, for the no-ceiling profits of a handful of billionaires.
Greta’s words are more prescient than she realizes, when applied to this fraudulent climate-change folly:
We are about to sacrifice our civilization for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue to make enormous amounts of money. We are about to sacrifice the biosphere so that rich people in countries like mine can live in luxury. But it is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.
What About the Children?
As energy (and fertilizer) prices triple and quadruple, and Dutch and Belgian farmers are compelled to sacrifice efficient farms on the climate-change altar of child-priestess Greta (and her puppet masters: Gates, Schwab et al), it is clear that the Climate Change Cult Prophets devour children more ravenously than Moloch, or the rain god Tlaloc Azul.
Such a cult will subject young children to the certain trauma of active shooter drills in fear of extremely rare school shootings; the real harm of hormone blockers in faith in an alternate biological dimension; the real harm of economic collapse through the false promise of universal income; and the very real prospect of global famine and One World Government tyranny in mindless terror of an un-scientific fabrication of climate change apocalypse.
Recently, Greta Thunberg aped 1984’s Ministry of Truth, deleting a 2018 tweet in which she claimed climate change will wipe out all of humanity by 2023. It is a fantasy to think that such grotesque errors can simply be wiped clean with impunity. The rising food and energy inflation impacting the world will not be so easily expunged as Greta’s false, childish proselytizing.
The globalists will gain “enormous amounts of money.” Inflation and actual human suffering will follow, as will massive environmental damage. The CCCP cult eventually will implode like its cousins in Jonestown and Heaven’s Gate. In the interim, the New CCCP plays climate-woe balalaikas to the proletariat, creating a climate like back in the USSR.
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed this article - one of my all time favorites of the many articles you have written! I read it a couple of times, and then I read the humorous dialog between you and J.J. Smith III. You handled him well. Constructive criticism is always helpful, but shallow accusations aren't very useful.
Joseph has a byline "Concerned Farmer". Don't know what type but perhaps he has eaten too much glyphosate laden produce? Or maybe some MRNA infused pork that crossed his blood brain barrier?